Vocational Offertory

Our Father, who art in heaven, together with all priests, I offer you Jesus-Host and myself:

  • In adoration and thanksgiving,
    because in your Son,
    you are the author of the priesthood,
    of the religious life, and of every vocation;
  • In reparation to your fatherly heart
    for those vocations that are neglected,
    hindered, or not corresponded to;
  • To restore to you, in Jesus Christ,
    whatever those called have lacked
    concerning your glory,
    your people, and themselves;
  • That everyone may understand
    the plea of Jesus Christ:
    “The harvest is great,
    but the laborers are few.
    Pray the Lord of the harvest
    to send laborers into his harvest”;
  • That everywhere a family,
    social, and religious environment
    may be formed that is favorable
    to vocational development and response;
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  • That parents, priests, and educators,
    with their words
    and with material and spiritual help,
    may open the way for those called;
  • That Jesus Master,
    Way, and Truth, and Life,
    may be followed in the direction
    and formation of vocations;
  • That those who
    are called may become holy,
    and be the light of the world,
    the salt of the earth;
  • That in every person
    a deep vocational
    awareness may be formed:
    all Catholics with all the means,
    for all vocations and apostolates;
  • That all of us recognize
    our ignorance and unworthiness,
    and the need we have
    to remain humbly before your tabernacle,
    prayerfully invoking light, love, and grace.
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