One Only Is Your Master

1. Sole Sun of Truth you are, O Christ;
You drive away the fears of night,
As on the minds of men you shine,
And lead all to salvations light.

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2. The Father’s voice proclaimed to man
That Master of the world you are;
They flee the gloom of age corrupt
Who follow Model without par.

3. Your deeds proclaim what you have taught;
A sermon true your life imparts.
Through wonders that your grace has wrought,
The word of life bears fruit in hearts.

4. For you alone reveal to man
What human reason cannot see:
Myst’ries of sorrow, life and death;
Deep myst’ry of eternity.

5. Ascending to the Father’s right,
You gave the world your Church sublime,
Filled with the Paraclete of love:
Her teaching errs not, being divine.

6. Our everlasting Truth, Way, Life—By
you we’re led, by you we live.
To Father, you, and Paraclete
May all men praise and glory give. Amen.

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