Jesus, Divine Laborer and Friend of workers, deign to look benignly upon the working world. We present to you the needs of all who carry on intellectual, moral, or physical work. See amid what fatigue, sufferings, and snares we live our hard days.
p. 253See the physical and moral sufferings! Repeat the cry of your heart: “I have compassion on these people.” Comfort us through the merits and intercession of St. Joseph, the model of workers and artisans.
Grant us the wisdom, virtue, and love that sustained you in your toil-filled days. Inspire us with thoughts of faith, peace, moderation, and thrift, so that, together with our daily bread, we will always seek spiritual goods and heaven. Save us from those who deceitfully try to deprive us of the gift of faith and confidence in your providence. Deliver us from all exploiters who do not recognize the rights and dignity of the human person. Inspire social laws that are in conformity with the Church’s teaching. May charity and justice reign together through the sincere cooperation of all members of society. May everyone consider the Vicar of Christ the teacher of the only social doctrine that assures the worker of a gradual social betterment and of the kingdom of heaven, the inheritance of the poor in spirit. Amen.