Archivi della categoria: News dal mondo

FP Colombia: Primer encuentro de los formados de la Familia Paulina 2008

El 25 de octubre pasado, próximos a celebrar la solemnidad del Divino Maestro, se llevó a cabo el primer encuentro de formandos de la Familia Paulina en Colombia. Tanto la comunidad masculina como las femeninas se dieron cita en la comunidad San Pablo, en al calle 170, para orar, reflexionar, y compartir momentos de esparcimiento y conocimiento mutuo, aprovechando la celebración del Año Paulino, y … Continua a leggere FP Colombia: Primer encuentro de los formados de la Familia Paulina 2008 »

SJBP Philippines: Working for vocations

Our zonal vocation promotion with a simple vocation exhibit was held last October 18-19, 2008 at St. Michael, the Archangel Parish, in Bacoor, Cavite. This event was made possible through the joined effort of the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd “Pastorelle”, lay vocation promoters and some members of the Pauline Family and religious congregation in the Diocese of Imus. Leggi tutto

FP Mexico: Festividad de Jesucristo, Divino Maestro

El domingo 26 de octubre de 2008 la Familia Paulina en México celebró la festividad de Jesucristo, Divino Maestro. Esta celebración estuvo precedida de un triduo que constó de dos conferencias: “Jesús Maestro y Pastor” y “Cómo vivió san Pablo a Jesús Verdad”, dictadas por la Hna. Bernardita Sánchez Herrera, sgbp y por el Hno. Jorge Uriel López Caballero, ssp, respectivamente. También se llevó a … Continua a leggere FP Mexico: Festividad de Jesucristo, Divino Maestro »

FSP Philippines: Words Without Borders!

This is the theme of the 29th Manila International Bookfair held for the first time at SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City on September 12-16, 2008. “Books are ideas in print form, ideas are born and exhibited through books which are sources of dialogue, provide an understanding of different cultures, give hope, love and faith to our people,” said Hon. Marides … Continua a leggere FSP Philippines: Words Without Borders! »

Italia: Solennità di Gesù Cristo Divin Maestro

Domenica, 26 ottobre, nella Chiesa Gesù Maestro a Roma,  la Solennità di Gesù Cristo, Divino Maestro è stata celebrata dai membri della Famiglia Paolina e amici, nella celebrazione eucaristica presieduta da Sua Mons. Gianfranco A. Gardin, Segretario della CIVCSVA. Un momento particolarmente significativo è stato la consegna dei testi rinnovati della Regola di Vita e del Direttorio delle suore  Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro.

FP Italia: Memoria del Beato Timoteo Giaccardo

“O Gesù, ti dirò che voglio vivere la tua vita, trasformarmi in te: in te, o Gesù come san Paolo, vivere come lui, la tua vita di santità: vivit in me Christus; possedere la tua sapienza come san Paolo mi raccomanda; o Gesù tu hai sete di anime ed io voglio arder di zelo, come san Paolo essere tutto infuocato del tuo amore…”   Beato Timoteo … Continua a leggere FP Italia: Memoria del Beato Timoteo Giaccardo »

Pauline Family Gathering in Tokyo

On 13 October 2008, members of the Pauline Family (SSP, FSP, PDDM and IOLA) gathered in the SSP House in Wakaba (Tokyo).  There were 110 Japanese Paulines who attended the familial gathering. The gathering began with the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fr. Timothy Kenji Yamauchi.  During the homily, he spoke of the Pauline Year and on Peter Kibe and his 187 companions who will be … Continua a leggere Pauline Family Gathering in Tokyo »

FP India: Meeting of the Pauline Family Provincial Governments 2009

The Pauline Family Provincial Governments in India met for a third consecutive year, on the 2nd and 3rd of October, 2008. The Provincial teams of the Society of St Paul – SSP and the Daughters of St Paul – FSP came to the Provincialate of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master – PDDM (Guru Yesu Bhavan), in Bangalore on 2 October, the birthday of … Continua a leggere FP India: Meeting of the Pauline Family Provincial Governments 2009 »