Archivi della categoria: News dal mondo

FSP Italia: 5 febbraio 2010 – Una giornata di preghiera per Haiti ricordando Maestra Tecla

Suor M. Antonieta Bruscato, superiora generale fsp, scrive a tutte le Figlie di San Paolo del mondo chiedendo di pregare per Haiti nell’anniversario della morte della Ven. Tecla Merlo. “Più volte, in questi giorni, Benedetto XVI ha invitato a “pregare” per il popolo haitiano, oltre che “aiutare”. Per questo, vi invito a dedicare la giornata del 5 febbraio a un’intensa preghiera “IN COMPAGNIA DI MAESTRA … Continua a leggere FSP Italia: 5 febbraio 2010 – Una giornata di preghiera per Haiti ricordando Maestra Tecla »

FP Macau: Don Sassi visits the Paulines in the 'Gateway to China'

Upon the invitation of the Bishop of Macau and with the recommendation from the SSP General Government to start an apostolate of presence in China, the Society of St. Paul established a missionary community in Macau on March 7, 1987.  The community was later added to the SSP Philippine circumscription. Macau was a former Portuguese colony but it was handed back to China on 20 … Continua a leggere FP Macau: Don Sassi visits the Paulines in the 'Gateway to China' »

FP Macau: Don Sassi visits the Paulines in the ‘Gateway to China’

Upon the invitation of the Bishop of Macau and with the recommendation from the SSP General Government to start an apostolate of presence in China, the Society of St. Paul established a missionary community in Macau on March 7, 1987.  The community was later added to the SSP Philippine circumscription. Macau was a former Portuguese colony but it was handed back to China on 20 … Continua a leggere FP Macau: Don Sassi visits the Paulines in the ‘Gateway to China’ »