
SSP Italia – Nuove Librerie SAN PAOLO a Modena e ad Ancona

Sono state inaugurate a Modena e ad Ancona due nuove Librerie SAN PAOLO. La cerimonia d’inaugurazione ufficiale della nuova sede in Modena (Piazza Mazzini 20) è stata presieduta da S. E. mons. Benito Cocchi venerdì 25 gennaio 2008. Seguiva giovedì 7 febbraio 2008 l’inaugurazione della nuova sede ad Ancona (Corso Mazzini, 13) con la presenza di S. E. mons. Edoardo Menichelli. Il Superiore Provinciale della … Continua a leggere SSP Italia – Nuove Librerie SAN PAOLO a Modena e ad Ancona »

SSP – ANKUR 2008 Released

The 2008 issue of ANKUR was released on 7 January, 2008 by Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, Provincial Superior. The issue unfolds articles on various topics which will ignite the readers’ minds towards greater challenge and urgency to imbibe the apostolic zeal of St Paul and to become his true sons in the ‘Pauline Year 2008’. Link >>>

SSP – Perpetual Profession

Six temporary professed members of the India-Nigeria Province made their Perpetual Profession on Monday, January 7, 2008, in Mumbai. Brs Arockiasamy, Sebastian, Rony, Plavendran, Dominic and Prithviraj committed themselves fully and totally for the glory of God and for the mission of the Church. The Provincial, Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, who was also the main celebrant, accepted their vows on behalf of the Church and … Continua a leggere SSP – Perpetual Profession »