
SSP UK-Ireland: St Paul’s Bookshop: Cathedral’s Neighbour Celebrates 20 years

On 28 September St Paul’s Bookshop celebrated 20 years as proud neighbour to Westminster Cathedral. Fr Vincenzo Santarangelo, Managing Director gave the following interview.  He responds to questions posed by Anita Bofiface of the Diocesan newspaper “Westminister Record”.  These include: Who does the Westminster Cathedral bookshop serve? What are the bookshop’s plans for the Year of Faith? What do you personally feel is unique about … Continua a leggere SSP UK-Ireland: St Paul’s Bookshop: Cathedral’s Neighbour Celebrates 20 years »

SSP India: Teen of the Year 2012

27 November, Mumbai. Over 20 teenagers from across the country have converged at St Paul’s, Bandra for the finals of the Teen of the Year 2012, an annual national youth pageant. The finals scheduled for 20-24 November 2012, termed the TEEN-WEEK, have kick-started with a panel discussion on the theme: TEENS FOR A SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS INDIA with special focus on SAVE WATER – EVERY DROP … Continua a leggere SSP India: Teen of the Year 2012 »

SSP RD Congo: Fête de Jésus Maître et Diaconat du Père Alphonse Abedi

Dimanche 28 octobre, la Famille Paulinienne de Kinshasa s’est réunie dans l’enceinte de la Communauté Jacques Alberione de Limete pour fêter la solennité de Jésus-Christ Divin Maître. La célébration a été enrichie par l’ordination diaconale du jeune paulinien Alphonse Abedi Bin Twaibu. Son Excellence Monseigneur Sébastien Muyengo, évêque auxiliaire de Kinshasa, qui a présidé le rite, a remarqué dans son homélie que la réflexion théologique … Continua a leggere SSP RD Congo: Fête de Jésus Maître et Diaconat du Père Alphonse Abedi »

SSP India-Nigeria: Ordination to the Diaconate of Rev. Anthony Swamy

Dream came true for Anthony Swamy, the community of Pune and the India-Nigeria Province of the Society of St Paul when Br. Antony Swamy was ordained deacon by His Lordship Rt Rev Thomas Dabre, bishop of Pune, during the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at 11 am on 28th October, 2012 in the community Chapel, Pune. A well-attended liturgy was meticulously planned and executed by the members of … Continua a leggere SSP India-Nigeria: Ordination to the Diaconate of Rev. Anthony Swamy »

SSP Philippines: Cl. John Klen Vianney Malificiar, SSP, Ordained Deacon

Makati, Sanctuary of St Paul — In a Eucharistic celebration, Most Reverend Teodoro C. Bacani, DD, Bishop Emeritus of Novaliches ordained Cl. John Klen Vianney Malificiar, SSP to the Order of Deacons in the afternoon of October 27, 2012. The joy, as shown in the smile on Cl. Jk's face, is shared by Bishop Bacani as he stressed in his homily, the indelible character of … Continua a leggere SSP Philippines: Cl. John Klen Vianney Malificiar, SSP, Ordained Deacon »

SSP México: XVIII Encuentro de Discípulos del Divino Maestro

«Como Paulinos, Discípulos y Sacerdotes» Los días 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2012, tuvo lugar el XVIII Encuentro de Discípulos del Divino Maestro de la Provincia de México. El tema fue «Como Paulinos, Discípulos y Sacerdotes». Asistimos 3 Discípulos perpetuos, 3 Discípulos profesos y un Aspirante mayor, además de contar con la presencia del P. MIGUEL GARCÍA COSS, Coordinador general de la formación.

SSP: Lettera annuale (2011) – Abundantes divitiæ gratiæ suæ

ITA – ESP – ENG Come è noto, la linea operativa 3.3.1 del IX Capitolo generale recita: «Il Superiore generale rediga una lettera annuale che abbia come riferimento base un’opera fondamentale del beato Giacomo Alberione». Per adempiervi, ho pensato di incentrare le lettere annuali sulle seguenti opere, distribuendole lungo il sessennio in questo ordine: Abundantes divitiæ gratiæ suæ (2011), Ut perfectus sit homo Dei (2012), … Continua a leggere SSP: Lettera annuale (2011) – Abundantes divitiæ gratiæ suæ »

SSP Italia: Radio Pope-up – vivere e raccontare la GMG di Madrid

Con due anni di preparazione alle spalle in vista dell’appuntamento di Madrid, è ormai pronta a partire Radio Pope-up, la web radio che un gruppo di giovani italiani ha progettato per vivere e raccontare la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù 2011 dal 15 al 21 agosto. Accomunati da una marcata sensibilità alla comunicazione, i sette giovani italiani nei mesi scorsi hanno preparato il palinsesto – già … Continua a leggere SSP Italia: Radio Pope-up – vivere e raccontare la GMG di Madrid »

SSP Colombia: Ordenaciones sacerdotales

Con gran alegría el sábado 04 de junio de 2011, a las 11:00 de la mañana, en el Templo San Pablo de la Comunidad de la Calle 170, en Bogotá, recibieron la ordenación sacerdotal tres jóvenes religiosos de la Sociedad de San Pablo, el clérigo Saúl Londoño, residente en la Comunidad de la 170, clérigo Henry Hueso, residente en la Casa Provincial y el clérigo … Continua a leggere SSP Colombia: Ordenaciones sacerdotales »