Information online courses Superiors General 2021

Rome, 11 February 2021
Memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes

Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Pauline Family,

The complex international situation that has arisen from the Covid-19 pandemic has made it impossible to continue the Formation Course on the Pauline Charism, which for over twenty years has offered the entire Pauline Family a quality formative experience aimed at deepening the understanding and integration of the Pauline Charism.

This past session (2019-2020), the 23rd year of the Course, was conducted in a dual format—both in-person and online— allowing the experience to conclude as scheduled.

This year, we are suspending the Formation Course on the Pauline Charism in the usual inperson format. However, we believe it is important to continue to offer some in-depth, online courses, on works of Blessed James Alberione that belong to the charismatic patrimony of thePauline Family, for those who are interested. The works that will be studied are: Abundantesdivitiae gratiae suae; Donna associate allo zelo sacerdotale; Apostolato Stampa.

Attached to this letter is the information that has been prepared by Sr. Josefa Soares, fsp to present the information on the Online Courses.

For further clarification, you can directly contact Sr Josefa Soares, coordinator of the Online Courses, at the following address: .

We hope to be able to reinstate the Formation Course on the Pauline Charism in-person forSeptember 2022. This will give the Sisters, Brothers and Laity wishing to attend the Course the opportunity to learn Italian, which remains the official language of the Course, and insure a more fruitful participation for all.

We thank Sr. Josefa Soares fsp, and those who have collaborated with her, for their dedication and creativity that have made it possible to restructure the Formation Course on the Pauline Charism into an online format. Our hope is that it will further open up the Course to participants from around the world.

May this also be an initiative aimed at ensuring that the Word of God speeds forward and is glorified.

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