25 January 2018 will be written in golden letters, in the annals of the Society of St Paul in India. Dn Anil Kumar Pasala, the First Pauline Priest from the newly formed State of Telangana, India, was ordained priest on the Feast Day of the Conversion of St Paul at Holy Rosary Church, Kethepally, Nalgonda Dt, by His Lordship Rt Rev Paul Maipan, Bishop of Khammam. A good number of the members of the Pauline family, and many priests, and religious as well as large numbers of the faithful participated in the solemn procession and the ordination ceremony. The Bishop in his homily reminded the ordinandi of his priestly duties and challenged him to be a disciple of Christ by being a selfless, sacrificial and merciful leader. The newly ordained was generous in his words of appreciation for all those who accompanied him on his journey to priesthood. He celebrated his first thanksgiving Eucharist on 26 January, in the presence of his family members, well-wishers and the faithfull.
SSP India: Priestly Ordination of Anil Kumar Pasala