Seoul, South Korea. From 10 to 11 September 2010, the 20th annual meeting of the Governments of the religious institutes of Pauline Family present in South Korea was held. Eighteen of the 23 members of the Governments of the PF met for their annual exchange of information and fraternal sharing.
The 23 members include: SSP (Don Maggiorino An Seong Cheol, Fratel Thomas Kim Dong Ju, Don j25eph Yeom Sam Seop, Fratel Timoteo Lee Bong Ha, Don Ignazio Hwang In Soo); FSP (Sr. Caterina Chung, Sr. Perpetua Kang, Sr. Evangelina Kim, Sr. Generosa Kim, Sr. Letizia Lee, Sr. Samuela Lee, Sr. Julietta Kang); PDDM (Sr. M. Gianna Kwon, Sr. M. Caterina Lee, Sr. M. Cristina Park, Sr. M. Gesuina Kim , Sr. M. Pace Kang, Sr. M. Stefana Kim); and SJBP (Sr Maria Hee Jung Lim, Sr. Teresa Bok Nye An, Sr. Cristina Young Ran Lee, Sr. Lucia Olalia).
In Korea the institutes of the Pauline Family are present in different cities: SSP – 12 (Seoul, Busan, Chodong, Chonhodong, Nonhyondong, Cheju, Chongju, Chunchon, Masan, Suwon, Taegu and Ulsan); FSP – 13 (Seoul, Andong, Dae Gu, Dae Jeon, Inchon, Jeon Ju, Koyang, Kwangju, Pusan, Seong Nam, Uijeonbu, Won Ju and Jeo Ju); PDDM – 5 (Seoul, Busan, Daeju, Gwangju, Yeoju); and SJBP – 3 (Seoul, Kyonggi-Do, Kyong Buk).
The annual meeting concluded with the eucharistic celebration presided by Don Maggiorino, Regional Superior of SSP Korea.